Business Ideas

Content Syndication Myths That Mislead Amateur Marketers

Content Syndication

Content has surely become the king of the digital world and businesses present on the digital platform are using different ways to make the most of the content they produce, share, or republish. One such way to make your audience succumb to your brand from an engagement perspective is to take advantage of syndicated and licensed third-party content.

If you will succeed in delivering enticing content to your users that will be relevant to them then you will surely be able to reach a new audience, regardless of which type of platform you will be using. Along with this, it will also help you in boosting the traffic on your website.

But there are many amateur marketers that are not able to take advantage of the fruitful Content Syndication approach because they are surrounded by many myths related to this powerful content strategy. This is why, in this blog post, we will debunk the top myths related to Content Syndication.

Don’t have to pay for content

Some amateur marketers and content creators think that they can use the content from any website without paying for it or without even consulting the content owner. To be clear, if you are sharing links of interesting content on the digital platform then it’s not wrong.

However, if you will be using the same content for commercial purposes and not give credits to the author or the owner of the content then it will not only be unprofessional but it will be illegal as well. This is why if you will not get rid of this common myth related to Content Syndication then you can find yourself facing legal trouble as well.

In order to better understand how you can use the content from other websites for Content Syndication, you will need to understand the copyright laws and consult the website owner or the author before using the content in any form.

It is not good for SEO

There are many self-proclaimed experts out there that are misleading their clients regarding the connection of SEO and Content Syndication. Well, these are those people how will not even be able to tell you the Content Syndication definition properly.

This myth of syndication not good for SEO is based on the fact that Google penalizes all the websites for duplicate content. And since all the website owners are very much concerned about their ranking and SEO strategy, even wrong information regarding SEO practices acts as a red flag for most of the people.

It’s true that Google penalizes websites for duplicate content but at the same time, Google has nothing against websites practicing Content Syndication. The search engine is easily able to differentiate between unethical copy-pasting of content and proper B2B Content Syndication.

Till now, there has not been even a single case of search engines penalizing a website because of B2B Content Syndication and that’s why you don’t need to worry about it. And if you are not still convinced about the duplicate content tracking algorithm then you can read about it from Google itself.

Brands should not pay for content distribution

Reputed brands are now hiring content writers on a very high payroll and these experienced content writers are producing engaging and informative content on a daily basis. But you should know that if the content of a brand is good then marketers shouldn’t use it as a reason for free distribution. It’s necessary because even with the content being produced by an agency, it is still a branded content.

It is a no brainer that a content writer should be compensated when their audience is used by a company. Living with the misconception that you only pay your PR team, not your publishers is surely a wrong approach in B2B Content Syndication.

It will make the traffic go away

There are many amateur marketers and content creators out there who think that if they will start syndicating their pristine work then they will lose a big portion of their audience because they will get the option of reading the same content somewhere else as well. Well, most of these people have never even read the original Content Syndication definition.

Well, it’s true that you should never let any other website take advantage of your pristine content with a deal in place, still, syndicating content can allow you to attract new audiences. And since syndication contributes directly towards brand recognition, your website traffic will also increase.

Along with this, if you will go with the approach of licensing your content, then it will become a great source of revenue as well. There are many publishers out there that are earning handsome monthly income just because of licensing and syndication of content.

Content Syndication can fuel your CMS and allow you to take advantage of all the informative content available on the digital platform but in order to do so, you will have to get rid of the myths related to B2B Content Syndication and stay away from amateur marketers and self-proclaimed gurus.

Mike McNicholas
Mike McNicholas creates innovative experience solutions for its readers.

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